Thursday, November 02, 2006

The english you thought you knew

English is a funny language. Did you know that the word "nice" originally meant stupid and foolish. What do you think the original meaning of "brave" was? Its "Think again! (ting ting ti ding)" time.

Word Original Meaning
awfuldeserving of awe
bravecowardice (as in bravado)
counterfeitlegitimate copy
girlyoung person of either sex
guesstake aim
luxurysinful self indulgence
neck parcel of land (as in neck of the woods)
nuisanceinjury, harm
quickalive (as in quicksilver)
tellto count (as in bank teller)

Also, Shakespeare coined 1700 commonly used words including:
  • Advertising
  • countless
  • eyeball
  • majestic
  • obscene
  • Dawn
  • Arouse
  • Elbow
To read a good list of words and some of our most commonly used phrases made by Shakespeare, go to this link Shakespeare' Influence.

Other links:

Shakespeare's influence National Geographic Article

I have always been looking for a word for "people who are predisposed to state the obvious". I have tried to coin some words and this is the best i got:

"obreandup". Its a combination of parrot, obvious, repetitive and duh..


Unknown said...

hmm really interesting..

Luxury and sophisticated really tickled me.. hehe.. its kinda true if u really thought about it lol

Ps I have a lot of difficulty commenting on ur blog for some reason.. i hav to try like a lot of times to do it dont know why...

ooh and I hav this facination abotu japanese and chinese stuff :)

Livehack said...

Shanoo, you seem to have so many things you want to say, but it somehow gets stuck. Speak your mind, just scream out the truth and f*** the conseqences. That is the main reason why we blog, isnt it?

You have inspired me to write abt japs, will do soon. Thanks

Unknown said...

ol.. u got me so wrong mojo,I wasnt talking about having to think about what i write and keep rewriting it..

hell i am someone who doesnt even contemplate my school essays or the posts I do post as well..:)( i just cant be arsed..) besides I think its much better as it does come out originally,it has a certain essence in it :P though upon reading it later i might wonder what exactly I'd written!

I was talking about some technical difficulties, I meant i have to write the comment several times coz I keep loosing the page.. grrrr I sometimes even give up! Its probably my crappy connection,but it acts worse when i try to comment on certain blogs.. odd phenomena, i know!!

Afu Latheef said...

mojo: being someone who is very much predisposed ot stating the obvious, i am so pleased that someone's come up with a word to describe it :D maybe u shud coin more of those and we'll make you a website titled mojo's influence...

Livehack said...

Shanoo:-Dont blame me for taking it the wrong way, as it had never happened to me yet..i am predisposed to think up all the most romantic explanations to any situation.. well glad to know that you always keep ur your sharp expressive edge in commenting on my blog. I do enjoy them.

Vespertine:- you obreandup you!Ive even added that to my computers dictionary! haha

Unknown said...

Kinky :P i like romantic notions..

Livehack said...

how notoriously suggestive of blushing like a beetroot..

Unknown said...

I think I better shutup! next i'd be accused of child abuse.. :P hehe

btw i like beetroots...

Livehack said...

I cant believe u placed child abuse next in line with juicy words like notorious,kinky, suggestive and romantic.Quite unladylike shanoo.its like my tongue was stapled to my lower lip while i was lost in smooching my affogato*.

*Super seagull coffee icecream

Unknown said...

sowwy... never been much of a lady..

staples can be fun u knw.. especially if u are into that sort of thing ;)

dont provoke me..hmm coffee icecream ..and u good combination..

x said...

Oh my god, get a room you two. And Vespa, leave them alone.
*peeps over the wall*

Livehack said...

Shanoo:- well you manage to sound demure and provocative while telling me not to provoke(oxymoron!)
yup this could go on forever but only vespy cares.I could live with that.

Vespertine: i know vespy, i shut my self up but my fingers did the typing. Ive been mumbling curses but they pretend they dont hear.

Unknown said...

*bows slightly* thankyou kind sir!
and I love oxymorons.. they are fun and wicked..( i thought up a few examples but am gonna keep em to myself..!)

and yes this could go on forever eh .. :)

Livehack said...

Apologies to Vespertine for being brought into battle unknowingly, I got confused by "The Unknown Blogger" X's previous comment.I cant even edit my own comments as per house rules.

X:- looked, but no rooms can fit our giant ego's.

Shanoo:- ooh..bloggie sense is tingling, so ill skip the retort and reserve my creativity.(lets continue on next post, ya?)