This is a postcard from postsecret.blogspot.com
I wonder how i would handle it if that happened to me- to lose a child while it was still a baby. I wonder if i would neatly fold away everything that bears it scent, however small and keep it with me forever even when everyone else started to forget...
My kid died when he was 8 (before you ask, he wasn't biologically mine. I just had partial parental rights to him). I still have his paintings, his kangaroo print yellow jammies, his story books...
It was only last year when I moved house I deleted him from my answering machine. I suppose I should let go - eventually.
Mary-jo: Sorry to hear that. I think i would have done the same, though i dont think i would let go. It will become another critical and treasured element that would define me.
Btw, Happy belated birthday.
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