Sunday, December 10, 2006

Feelings and Principles 2

What is knowing something? Is it the same as not knowing something? Maybe not but in the context of knowing itself, does it really matter? Is there certain things we must know in order to survive or are all the popular knowledge just guidelines on fitting into society? As we go upon this line of thinking, we begin to wonder if all this is just unnecessary complications to common sense.

Common sense is always assumed, and is always quite contextual. With hindsight, many can say they did not act in common sense, so it throws the doubt on exactly what common sense is. Is it an arbitrary thing? Does everyone have the same “amount" of common sense? Basically what common sense seems to mean is to make simple decisions based on rational conclusions. So by saying use common sense, it tell us not to make something complicated.

I myself have found that if one uses common sense in its pure form, his chances of winning in any normal situation is close to perfect. But the mind is not so forthcoming. Simple decisions are overshadowed by complex emotions. Fear, hate, love, anger, desire all impact your decisions. Pressure of the moment, fear of failure, what others may think all impinge upon you.So common sense is only available completely is you are able to master all your emotions. This is apparent when one is detached from a situation, like in hindsight.

Can all your emotions be mastered? I dont think so. Then you are constantly in denial of what u feel.This is an important part of some cultures, most notably in the Samurai way and martial arts, can probably be achieved by long years of study. But the normal everyday person? To tackle this problem, this is what I think.

  1. Emotions are real.
  2. Decisions need to be made.
  3. We never know what will happen afterwards.

So, the logical conclusion would be that, if u cant control what happens to you, u have to control how you deal with it. And if emotions cant be tuned off, we must use them in our decision making.

How will u use emotions? By directing them through principles.

A principle is a truth cannot be challenged, and is something, you yourself by your very nature, believe. These are natural. (this can be debated on grounds of evolutionary theory). See Feelings and principles 1[previous post].

Example: honesty. Is that natural? Yes it is because, we have teach ourselves to lie, or make a decision to lie. So honesty is the natural state, or zero value. A natural principle like honesty would not directly conflict with your basic emotions. Would you feel bad because you told the truth? You may but as you read that sentence, don’t you feel that it is true itself.Do you feel a natural conflict? If I had said, would you feel bad that you lied for a good cause, don’t u suddenly have to process it in your brain before you answer? This small hiccup, or millisecond is where u call your brain to answer, and when ever the brain answers, you are not using your basic emotional response.

So lets list down the basic principles:

  • Honesty
  • Openness
  • Sympathy
  • Desire

There is no such thing as positive or negative emotions, but what im looking for are basic emotions. And if one were to say that we have to control our desires, that would mean mind over ruling the basic emotions. Lets get controversial then (or try to)

Sex. The moment we say the word it, it brings out certain responses in the brain. For example "taboo", "hush" . Thats cultural conditioning and the mind working. Sexual desire is completely natural. We are expected to curb this desire for unnatural reasons. (this is an academic discussion folk, sit tight until I finish). The desire itself exists to be fulfilled. Now, the evolutionists would say it was developed to ensure continuity of organisms, religious view is a two fold approach that says for reproduction and to test you.

So is sex wrong or right?

Getting too long again, continue in part 3.

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